Mia Bengtsson presented "Welcome to the microbial jungle: Biofilms on seagrass and their role in ecosystem restoration"
10-14.07.2023, Hamburg, Deutschland
Mia Bengtsson presented "SeaStore: Seagrass restoration in the Baltic Sea"
18-22.09.2023, Stralsund, Deutschland
Angela Stevenson and Tadhg O’Corcora presented "Seagrass restoration in the Baltic Sea and Blue Carbon Ecosystem Services"
27.01.22 Oldenburg, Deutschland
Tadhg O’Corcora presented "Seagrass Restoration in Germany: Seed Trials "
31.03.22 Kristineberg, Schweden
O’Corcora presented "Seagrass Zostera marina restoration in the German
Baltic Sea enhances biodiversity while biodiversity in turn regulates
transplant success"
09.08.22, Annapolis, MD, USA
Matteo Lattuada and Boris
Schröder-Esselbach presented "Distribution of Common Eelgrass (Zostera
marina) functional traits in the Kattegat, Baltic Sea“
05.09.-08.09.2022, San Sebastian, Spanien
Maike Paul presented "SeaStore - diversity enhancement through seagrass restoration“
05.09.-08.09.2022, San Sebastian, Spanien
Maike Paul presented "SeaStore – Seegras für den Klimaschutz“
09.11.-11.11.2022, Hamburg, Deutschland
Maike Paul and Thorsten Reusch presented "SeaStore: Seagrass restoration in the Baltic Sea”
2024, online
Thorsten Reusch and Maike Paul presented "Seegraswiesen als Kohlenstoffsenke.“
18.05.24, Hamburg, Deutschland
Katharina Kesy presented "SeaStore: Erfolgreiche Seegraswiederansiedlung in der deutschen Ostsee“
11.07.2024, Warnemünde, Deutschland
Maike Paul presented "Adapting methods for bed level assessment in and around submerged vegetation"
13.05-16.05.2024, Delft, Niederlande
Mareike Taphorn presented "Assess the potential use of seagrass restoration support structures"
07.08.-12.8.2022 Annapolis, MD, USA
Angela Stevenson, Tadhg O Corcora and Thorsten Reusch
presented a poster "Seagrass canopies lower Vibrio & this ecosystem function is immediately renewed via restoration”
29.08.-30.08.2024, Kiel, Deutschland
Lattuada, Tadhg O Corcora, Marvin Lehmann, Katharina Kesy, Anne Brauer ,
Thorsten Reusch, Maike Paul, Mia Bengtsson and Boris Schröder-Esselbach
a poster "Initial lag phase in Common Eelgrass (Zostera marina) growth
during a restoration experiment. How will it affect plants through
07.08.-12.8.2022 Annapolis, MD, USA
Matteo Lattuada,
Lars Kamperdicks, Felix Gerlach, Thomas Langmaack, Maike Pau, Tadhg Ó
Corcora, Katharina Kesy, Anne Brauer, Thorsten B. H. Reusch, Mia M.
Bengtsson and Boris Schröder presented a poster "Planning restoration to
ensure maximum shoot survival in zostera marina”
17.06.-21.06.2024, Napoly, Italien
Bengtsson presented a poster "Shifts in sediment and Zostera marina
microbiomes at early stages of seagrass restoration in the German Baltic
14.08-19.08.2022, Lausanne, Schweiz
Tadhg O Corcora,
Angela Stevenson, Matteo Lattuada, Marvin Lehmann, Katharina Kesy, Anne
Brauer et al. presented a poster "Zostera marina restoration in the
German Baltic Sea: Seagrass promoting biodiversity return while
biodiversity regulates restoration success. "
07.08.-12.8.2022 Annapolis, MD, USA
Katharina Kesy presented "Response of Zostera marina microbiomes to seagrass
restoration in the German Baltic Sea" at the ASLO 2023 Aquatic Science Meeting,
June 4 - 9 2023, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Andrea Wunsch presented “Öffentliche Wahrnehmung von CO₂
Entnahme durch die Wiederherstellung von Ökosystemen und politisches Vertrauen
in Deutschland“ at the 3. Küstensymposium “Küste im Wandel 2022” on November, 9th
in Hamburg.
Mia Bengtsson discussed a Poster at the 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME18),
August 14 - 19, 2022 Lausanne, Switzerland
Katharina Kesy presented at the World Seagrass Conference "Shifts in sediment and Zostera marina microbiomes at early stages of seagrassrestoration in the German Baltic Sea",
August 8 - 9, 2022
Andrea Wunsch presented "Predicting Economic Behavior" at the KüNO Online Workshop 'Predictability in Natural and Social Sciences', May 3, 2022
Matteo Lattuada presented “Variability in functional traits of Eelgrass in Sweden (Zostera marina)”, October 18-22, 2021
Tadhg O Corcora presented “SeaStore: Diversity enhancement through seagrass restoration”, October 6, 2021
Matteo Lattuada presented “SeaStore - Diversity Enhancement Through Seagrass Restoration” August 30th - September 1st, 2021
Andrea Wunsch was interviewed by
students from the University of Kiel on the topic of “Carbon Capture in
the Baltic Sea” for a feature in Tiny Rathaus
03.07.2023 Kiel, Deutschland
Paul participated in the expert discussion „Meere und Küsten“ as part
of the Natural Climate Protection Action Program on the topic of
„Forschungsbedarfe für effektiven natürlichen Klimaschutz durch
06.12.2022, online
Maike Paul presented „SeaStore: Potential of seagrass restoration in the Baltic Sea. “
16.11.2023, online
Wilfried Rickels participated in a panel on „Marine CDR“ at COP28.
Dezember 2023, Dubai, UAE
Lattuada presented „Seagrasses, the plants blossoming under the water“
as part of the environmental lecture series: „vielfalt statt einfalt –
biodiversität in der krise“
20.06.2023, Dresden, Deutschland
Andrea Wunsch presented “Seegras als CO2 Speicher? Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz der Bevölkerung” at the Future Energies Science Match organised by Tagesspiegel.
Dec 1, 2021 in Kiel
Tadhg O Corcora presented “SeaStore: Diversity enhancement through seagrass restoration” at the AGM of Tauchsportgruppe Uni-Kiel.
Nov 12, 2021 in Kiel
Thorsten Reusch presented “Climate change mitigation and adaptation through coastal ecosystems conservation and restoration“ at the COP26 side event ‘Climate change mitigation and adaptation through coastal ecosystems conservation and restoration’, COP26 Glasgow.
Nov 3, 2021 in Glasgow
Wilfried Rickels presented “Resettlement of seagrass meadows as a contribution to climate protection and marine biodiversity – analysis of costs and benefits “, at the 4th Meeting of the Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference Working Group on Climate Change and Biodiversity (CCB), Digital organized by Land SH, Referat L 22.
Oct 4, 2021
Tadhg O Corcora presented “Seagrass conservation and restoration in Germany can help mitigate climate change” to Lions Club Kiel.
Sep 6, 2021: Lennard Kröger presented “Valuation of the Marine and Coastal Environment” at the KüNO Online Workshop 'Know how meets know why'.
Sep 6, 2021 in Kiel
Thorsten Reusch presented “Heimische Seegraswiesen als unterschätzte Klimaretter“ in Naturerlebniszentrum Maasholm.
Jul 6, 2021 in Maasholm
Wilfried Rickels participated at Runder Tisch Meeresforschung Schleswig-Holstein "Blue Carbon –was können Nord-und Ostsee zum Klimaschutz beitragen?" and presented „Ökonomische Aspekte der CO2-Speicherung“
Mar 11, 2021 in Kiel